The SPAC Rally Is Fizzling Out

Is The SPAC Rally Fizzling Out?

I was talking to a GP of a small Private Equity company the other week and, among other things, we talked a bit about SPACs as well.

He was bearish on the whole thing: “mark my word…this thing is about to fizzle out pretty quickly. Maybe by Q4 of this year max.”

Well, so far his prediction seems to be right on the money: the number of deals fell more than 50% between February and March, while the value of those deals fell by more than 30%, according to data from financial market data firm Refinitiv.

The SPAC Rally Is Fizzling Out

After a historic run-up earlier this year, shares of new SPACs hovered around their IPO price in March.

Well, a one month decline doesn’t make a trend so perhaps we should give SPACs some breathing space and revisit them again in July.

I am an Executive MBA candidate at Columbia Business School. I am also a husband, a management consultant, a blogger, a music fan, an art lover and a bunch of other things too.