The goal of Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard with “Killing Jesus” is not to provide a religious narrative, but instead one that focuses on the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. They have done a good job treading the fine line between straight biography and religious writing.
Most of us generally know the of Jesus as a religious figure, but the other half is a story filled with political intrigue. In this book, the political side takes primary notice.
The authors masterfully articulate the personal motives of the central characters as well as the political and economic dynamics among key players of those times.
In this book, the political side [of Jesus life] takes primary notice.
I couldn’t help but notice that without political manipulations, Jesus may have never gone to the cross. Another shocking element that stood out was the barbarian nature of some of the rulers in Jesus time and the amount of suffering that they subjected the population to.
There is some criticism about the minor historical details in the book that might be more of legend than undisputed facts. Having said that, overall, this is an informative historical book and a fascinating account of events that have shaped history for the last 2,000+ years.