Marissa Mayer, 2011 Interview
Marissa Mayer during an interview in December 2011 while working at Google.

Marissa Mayer and the idea of personal board of directors

Wall Street Journal weekend edition has this fun section called “Personal Board of Directors” that highlights high profile entrepreneurs and executives and which advisors they have on their Speed Dial. Couple of weeks ago, they covered Marissa Mayer and I found the piece a fascinating read.

The idea of having mentors who can help us in moments of difficulty when it comes to making tough decisions is nothing new. But I think it’s something that we usually forget to consciously develop and maintain.

Maybe we should block time in our calendars every few months to touch-base with our personal board of directors so that we won’t forget this important personal development activity.

I am an Executive MBA candidate at Columbia Business School. I am also a husband, a management consultant, a blogger, a music fan, an art lover and a bunch of other things too.